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The Shoulder Blade Fracture

9 december, 2020 - 3:06Inga kommentarer

end-ofTags: dale steyn, australia vs south africa."We are positive that he will make a successful return to international cricket," Moosajee said amid widespread media speculation that Steyn39;s career was over because of the injury. It is crucial to give the injury enough time to heal and to make sure that he is completely pain-free before he starts bowling again," Moosajee added.Proteas team manager Dr Mohammed Moosajee said: "Dale had a successful surgery on Thursday where the fracture in the right shoulder blade was fixated with the placement of a screw.

The pace spearhead, though, is likely to be out of action for around six months, according to reports. (Photo: AFP)Johannesburg: South African fast bowler Dale Steyn has undergone a surgery to repair the shoulder blade fracture he sustained during the first cricket Test against Australia in Perth last week."We expect a minimum six-month rehabilitation period before he can start any form of bowling.Cricket South Africa (CSA) advised on Sunday that the surgery was performed in Cape Town by a renowned shoulder specialist and is the first positive step towards recovery for the 33-year-old.

The pace spearhead, though, is likely to be out of action for around six months, according to reports.Steyn's rehabilitation programme after the surgery is not expected to begin before a few weeks."He China single screw barrel will begin with his rehabilitation programme once the satisfactory bone healing has taken place, which is excepted to be in a few weeks."He will be provided with the best possible support and guidance led by our physiotherapist, Brandon Jackson, and Cricket South Africa39;s medical committee, which will give him the best opportunity to make a successful return to full fitness," Moosajee concluded.


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